


Premiering in London’s West End in 1960, the time honoured Charles Dicken’s classic novel Oliver Twist was brought to life on stage as Oliver! the musical and received a Tony Award for Best Original Score in 1963.

Audiences were treated to wonderful music and lyrics of songs that soon became musical favourites such as “Consider Yourself”, “You’ve Got to Pick a Pocket or Two” and “As Long as He Needs Me”.

Join Latrobe Theatre Company as they present this well loved musical with its colourful characters, showcasing the amazing talent we have right here in the Latrobe Valley!

Performance Dates

Friday, July 21st, 2017

7:30 pm

Saturday, July 22nd, 2017

1:30 pm7:30 pm

Sunday, July 23rd, 2017

1:30 pm

Friday, July 28th, 2017

7:30 pm

Saturday, July 29th, 2017

1:30 pm7:30 pm

Sunday, July 30th, 2017

1:30 pm

Friday, August 4th, 2017

7:30 pm

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

1:30 pm7:30 pm

Sunday, August 6th, 2017

1:30 pm


Latrobe Performing Arts Centre

60 Grey St, Traralgon VIC 3844, Australia


Premiering in London's West End in 1960, the time honoured Charles Dicken's classic novel Oliver Twist was brought to life on stage as Oliver! the musical and received a Tony Award for Best Original Score in 1963. Audiences were treated to wonderful music and lyrics of songs that soon became musical favourites such as "Consider Yourself", "You've Got to Pick a Pocket or Two" and "As Long as He Needs Me". Join Latrobe Theatre Company as they present this well loved musical with its colourful characters, showcasing the amazing talent we have right here in the Latrobe Valley!

Directing Team

Creative Director

Bernard Detering

Assistant Director

Luke Cassidy

Musical Director

Nathan Byrne

Assistant to Musical Director

Christina Cassidy


Rebekah Symons

Production Team

Production Manager

Jacki Comber

Assistant Production Manager

Raechelle Butterfield


Bernard Detering, Luke Cassidy


& Toby Just


John Ansell

Small Properties

Kara Smith

Set Construction

Keegan Just, Alexis Just,


Emily Just, Bruce Poole


& Bernard Detering

Set Painting

Keegan Just, Kelly Brumley,


Luke Cassidy, Britt Young,


Brooke Crabtree, Mitchell Cameron,


Bernard Detering, Ethan Detering,


Emily Just, Alexis Just,


Alex Kanara, Toby Just,


Ashleigh Duncan, Susan Poole,


Sebastian Poole & Harry Poole

Costume Team

Lori Leskie, Susan Poole,


Jacki Comber, Bec Hearl,


Pamela Ellingham, Karen Amos,


Andrea McLennan & Jo Heard

Theatre Team

Stage Manager

Kate Dougan

Assistant Stage Manager

Ronda Bruerton

Front of House Manager

Judy Degnan &


Jo Hemming

Back Stage Manager

Raechelle Butterfield

Stage & Backstage Crew

Keegan Just,


Grady Just,


Ethan Detering


& Bruce Poole


Luke Cassidy


& Zac Cassidy

Follow Spots

Stacey Richardson


& Ian Pettingill

Hair & Make-Up Team

Lori Leskie,


Jordan Taylor,


Chloe Savige


& Tracey Braun

Design Team

Set Design

Keegan Just

Front of House Dressing

Judy Degnan

Lighting Concepts / Design

Luke Cassidy

Costume Design

Lori Leskie

Hair & Make-Up Design

Lori Leskie

Program / Promotional Material

Callum Comber



Sebastian Poole


Simon Hemming

The Artful Dodger

Cooper Taylor


Ashlea Vanyai


Brianna Comber

Bill Sykes

Toby Just

Mr Bumble

Simon Fraser

Widow Corney

Rebekah Wright

Mr Sowerberry

Peter Larsen

Mrs Sowerberry

Jacki Comber

Charlotte Sowerberry

Stephanie Graham

Noah Claypole

Mitchell Cameron

Mr Brownlow

Craigen Whitehead

Mrs Bedwin

Pam Ellingham

Dr Grimwig

Paul White

Old Sally

Priscilla Vodden

Fagin's Gang


Sophie Booker


Isaac Russell

Charlie Bates

Jarrod Guy


Victoria Luque


Nathan Underwood


Riley Richardson



Amie Howlett


Alex Kanara


Ashleigh Duncan


Britney Nellthorpe


Britt Young


Bronte Leskie


Brooke Crabtree


Emily Henwood


Esther White


Jorja Hartley


Kara Smith


Mitchell Sexton


Phoebe McDougall


Shawnee Salter


Shyla Feltham



Alexander Smith


Hudson Amos


Ian Savage


Rebecca Mbereko


Amity Hunter


Annalyse Braun


Alanah Detering


Ruby Mether


Madison Wallace


Quinn McDermott


Zaidee McDermott


Myiah Misiurka


Ella May


Billie Carusi


Elyse O'Brien


Olivia O'Brien



Aimee Bridgman

Clarinet 1

Joel Dickason

Clarinet 2

Carl Ross


Lori Thompson

Trumpet 1

Joseph Bonnici

Trumpet 2

Daniel Vanderwerff


Nicholas Kyval


Cherie Bridgman


Hayden May


Grace Bonnitcha


Tony Boulton


Gillian Murray

Double Bass

Rosemary Iversen